After a long year studying laws at the University of Miami, I took the task to find a job in which I was allow to save a little money while started on another course in school. I was hired to drive a limo all summer long, but they never told me who would be my passengers. With work and dedication I concentrate on doing my job as best I could. One Saturday at 2:00 am, I got the orders to pick up a famous model, which was at a night club. I was angry because I had to wait for her more than two hours outside until she decided to leave. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, a beautiful girl coming toward the limo, I opened the door for her, she got in the limo, and all she said was, thanks. The whole trip toward her house in the limo, I was calm, but occasionally look at her through my rearview mirror. I will never forget the beautiful reflect in her eyes, she lit up my night and my heart. Since that time, I have been driving the limo every summer to keep the hope of seeing her again.


Me: Hello!
Him: Hi Sweetie!
Me: Oh hi huni!!! Guess what?! I'm the New Hollywood Reporter for the Insider show YAY! Am I the Luckiest girl in the world?!
Him: I knew it! I told you they will pick you! You're such a great reporter.
Me: I'm so excited I can't believe it! Oh duty call wish me luck gotta go!









I climbed out of the water as my swim training coach handed me a towel. I took deep breaths as I ran the towel over my face and pulled off my swim cap, shaking my hair out of the bun. I grinned at my coach. "Well done!!," he praised and gave me a high five. I was training for the Olympics and was hoping to be the fastest female swimmer to ever hit the pool. I was doing really well but my grin faltered a bit when I caught a glimpse of the stopwatch in my coaches hand. Ughh, I was still a couple seconds off. Sensing my frustration my coach swung an arm around my shoulders saying how it doesn't matter what place I come in, as long as I do my best. He also added smoothly that I would probably break the record shortly at the rate I was improving. My smile was back full force and I joked about how I would stand for the cameras when I won the trophy. He laughed and started clapping and making whooping noises like there was a large crowd in the room while I struck some haughty poses; posing for the imaginary cameras. I was more than excited and a bit nervous but I'm glad my coach was there to help me through it.


Finally it's the Olympics again! I always compete in the swimming. This year they decided to do a mixed, so I had to race females too. When I got onto the platform I was warming up, moving my arms around, and my legs. That's when I noticed the girl next to me, she was so beautiful. I shook my head and said to myself that I was there to win but I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked at me and smiled so I smiled back, but I could feel myself blushing. She'd caught me staring! Then I heard people shouting "Get Ready!" so I quickly got into postition. "Go!" I shot of the platform only focusing on the end, I was nearly there, but I heard the cheering. I hit the end with my hand. I had come second! I looked around to see who was first. It was that girl. She caught me staring again and started walked towards me. I was blushing like mad. Then she said "You sure are fast, but better luck next time." and winked. I was speechless, she had spoken to me! I wanted to say thanks but instead I just smiled. I wonder if I will ever see her again. I sure hope so.




I spent most of My childhood making clothes for My dolls I know it looks funny but It was my passion & still I create clothing and accessory from anything I have I remember I used my old teddy bear to make a skirt for the doll I didn't know there is Type of Designers like Head Designers,Assistant Designers,Specialty Designers and Theatrical Costume Designers I thought it was easy . The most Important Skills are Design,Idea Generation,Active Learning,Operations Analysis,Originality,Visioning and Coordination.I know one thing that I learn from my best friend you have to believe in your self to be what you want to be.


Dear Journal

Today has been such a wonderful day. I met a guy. He was so sweet and pretty cute. But night time was getting close. So we decided to go hang by the beach. We watched the nice sunset and the moon was so pretty. We gazed into each others eyes reaching in for that one special moment. Wow what a moment it was. We stayed cuddled for quite a while just looking at the stars and moon on this wonderful night. We didn't wanna leave cause it was nice just the two of us. We took advantage of the time cause we wasn't sure if we was going to see each other again. He took me home and we said our goodbyes. I was hoping to see him again. So I gave him my number and told him to call me. Well now it's off to bed I go.


When I first saw her, i know this might sound a little unbelievable but I actually think it was , as they say "love at first sight". I saw her by the beach one night alone, I've seen her around before but never said anything. Sobering up my nervousness i finally approached her, its a good thing we did because we instantly clicked. There's just one thing, her family having strict rules of who she's allowed to see, so the late-nights sneaking on to the beach, getting her home before 3, hiding our relationship was all fun and games. I'm tired of hiding our feelings and want to shout out of how much I love her, but I guess for now, it will have to stay being "Forbidden Love".


My trip to Italy is FABULOUS! We went to this Italian resturant that was reserved just for PICNICS and OUTDOOR EATING! The food was fantastic! The scenery great! Then when it could get no better, a famous Italian photographer came over and asked us if he could take a picture of us! Well, I thought he was an amatuer. But he wasn't the Famous Elo Pefido! Well the picuture was so perfect that the Resturant asked if we minded being on the cover of their menu/brochure! I am going to be SOOO FAMOUS! Hugs and Kisses!


It was sunny day when we landed in the City of Italy which is mostly known to the world as the city of Romance, we landed at Venice or Venezia!. We decided, me and my lovely one to go into this trip this year of 2008. Because year of 2008 is a special year for us which we finally got tied the knot. You know it is a trip of our honeymoon as well as our summer picnic trip. However we landed in Venice Airport and we directly headed with the taxi to a very gorgeous and stuning Hotel. We laid there for a while,then we went to this famous resturant which is located in Piazza di Roma or Rome Street. Near by it there is this famous bridge of Venice where you see many boats with tourists on them passing by. Me and my love we loved the view and while we doing that we were also eating this yummy food of Venice cooked with Lasagna and Italian Salad with some Sicilian red wine. We wished we lived there forever,lol It was an amazing summer picnic ever! My love said to me after she pur a mouth full Lasagna into her gorgeous and yummy mouth, "Darling, I love Venice it is simply beautiful" and i said, " Awesome" with big smile showing on my face. I am so happy that my love is enjoying her time as i do. And we both were happy. After our awesome and delicious picnic and beautiful view of the bridge near by the resturant, we paid our bills and we took some memorable photos around the town. Next we headed to our hotel for one night sleep only. Because the next day we taking a flight to Rome,where is going to be our last trip here in Italy. Now i can't imagine how we gonna enjoy our awesome honeymoon there too,and my baby is now sleeping beside me so deeply and i will be in few seconds so before i do that,i would like to say to you; Buona Serata a tutti( Good night everyone),!Rome we are coming!!


Summer's Weather is the absolute best! It was a day I'll never forget. Walking hand in hand in the park with my honey, the air was a perfect temperature. It suddenly began to rain and my first instinct was to run for cover. But my baby love caught me by the arm and pulled me close to him, sheltering me with his arms. The feel of the warm summer rain falling upon us was electrifying. We spotted a nice cozy stretch of lawn and decided to lay down and enjoy the rain. Drops of water fell on his chest and trickled down onto the ground, while other drops kissed the tip of my nose before falling onto his shoulder, and then to the ground. And then it happened, he kissed me. Right there in the rain. The most romantic moment in my life. That is when knew, this was heaven.


O GENTLE, gentle summer rain,
Let not the silver lily pine,
The drooping lily pine in vain
To feel that dewy touch of thine,—
To drink thy freshness once again,
O gentle, gentle summer rain!
In heat the landscape quivering lies;
The cattle pant beneath the tree;
Through parching air and purple skies
The earth looks up, in vain, for thee;
For thee—for thee, it looks in vain,
O gentle, gentle summer rain.
Come thou, and brim the meadow streams,
And soften all the hills with mist,
O falling dew! from burning dreams
By thee shall herb and flower be kissed,
And Earth shall bless thee yet again,
O gentle, gentle summer rain.