Here is a look at our official judges of the contest.  These judges were hand picked because of their attention to detail, artistic ability and fairness.  These judges are not getting paid, they are here because they want to see these contestants grow to become great artists in editting and modeling.


It's great to have all these talented models in one place and I am so happy to be a part of it. I aspire to create dreams come true for girls or guys out there and I believe this sort of contest will give them the boost they need to shine out there!

I want to see power and passion in these photos, not the dull IMVU face! Modeling is an art that needs to be expressed in many ways or forms. Your pictures should be full of life and hopefully you can work up the chemistry with your partner. This is a serious competition and sure, the hea may rise, but this isn't a fighting contest!

So please, just follow the instructions and have a fun, laugh at mistakes and keep a smile on your face (ooh, a rhyme!). Good luck to all of you!


Everybody views art in their own way and the saying holds true to this day that a picture can paint a thousand words. What story will your picture portray to me and the others judging? Your hard work and creativity are very good ways for developers to notice your talents and your dedication. Look deep within your self and put your talent to work for you.  Art is not judged by one person for each judge views your work through their own perspective as each artist portrays their own style; your work will be appreciated for its individuality. Be proud of you art and let your talents soar. I am really looking forward to viewing all your lovely pics.  Good luck to everyone and know that if your art does not win this time there is always the next! Don’t ever give up on something that brings you joy **hugs** ~Izzy~



Art is something that I enjoy looking at very much. There are so many beautiful things in this world that can attract your eye. I'll be looking for originality and class in your pictures. Something that will call out to me and grab my attention. Can't wait to see all of the many talented people that we have here. Stay focused and do your best. I look forward to judging everyone's style and creativity. Good luck to you all and keep reaching for the stars....TaZ


I have had a eye for art, and fashion for so long. Art can be interpreted in so many ways. You should not worry what others think of your art as long as you feel you did your thing on it. Art is art; it’s a beautiful skill and I truly believe it cant really be determined what is hot in art and what is not its all about how you feel about your art, the rest is just opinions. I’m am just happy I get it.
