Judges, remember to vote as a couple.  Themes are labeled on top of picture.


Our First...


Oh God!! We never forget that summer. How beautiful days. We really pass a good time together. The beach, the palace, the sea... The place was perfect. We enjoy every minute there. First we ride our motocycle to the palace, and the road, that background was a picture, just there for us... That was a perfect vacation...
We'll always remember that summer time...







We decided we wanted to take a summer vacation, as we pondered where, we packed our bags and begin thinking! Soon, he had a great idea and we hopped on the bike and took off! First, we headed to the mountains, after being there we realized this is not the place to make memories.So, again we got on the bike and headed south. We finally found a cool little beach! We quickly changed into our swim attire and found a cozy spot on the beach. "Ahhh" he said to me, as I sat on his back taking in the sun, "this is what summer vacation should be". We stayed and enjoyed the sun and sand and what a summer vacation it was!!


Dear Diary,
I went to the Summer Camp today, where I saw her. I go to the Summer Camp every year because I get to see my friends and her. When I'm with herI am really happy, she's always there for me when I need her. I went over to my tent and found herthere. Whenever our lips touch my heart skips several beats. All I can say, it's true love! Summer Camp has always been awesome, but now that I have her, it's something you really look forward to. If I didn't have her, my heart wouldn't be complete. I can't wait to be with heragain. Last time we kissed, we were posing too, people stared though, but who cares. I have her. This Summer Camp was amazing!





Dear diary,
Finally summer camp has come. I get to see my summer fling. As we sit away from the camp house and stay close to each other we can feel a connection of togetherness as we both let the summer breeze just take us away. Thinking about when this day would finally come I hold this picture in head just for me to be happy until school starts again. As he holds me I can still fill that burn as he looked into my eyes that summer afternoon. I can still feel the soft, warm hands that move across my back as we sit on that tree stump that hot summer day at that boring summer camp. But one thing I loved about it was you when you held me day after day even though we could have got into trouble you stiil didn’t care

P.S. cant wait till next summer


Five seconds left in the game, and all other players are being guarded. I glance to the left then the right, when I see her. Faking a pass, I then dribbled the ball down the court as fast as I could, dodging one player after another. As I reached the basket, I jumped up with one second left, and sunk the ball in it, holding onto the rim as the buzzer went off. We won! I jumped back down and she came up running to me and gave me a hug and kiss, then looked into my eyes and said "Congratulations baby, I knew you had it in you." I must admit that this was the most precious moment of my life, I forgot about everything in that moment, even the news crew that rushed up to us. I then got down on one knee and asked, "Will you marry me?" She said "Of course", all bright eyed as we both of posed for the news telling them our great news. Cloche is it not?








I opened my diary and turned to a blank page.

Dear Diary,
Yesterday we played in the Tennis Portion of the 2008 Olympics. Guess What? My team won the Gold for France! Aren’t you proud of me? Coach was oosoo proud of us. Especially me. We shared the most splendid moment in our lives. He ran to me from the stands and lifted me up and twirled me around. Once I was on the ground we embraced and shared a kiss. It was perfect. Karla took a picture of us embracing. Here it is…Hope you like it! Diary, we’ve made some good Summer Memories huh?

I taped the picture in my diary with my FAVE pink tape. I stared at my collage of the tennis match. One of me winning the final point and one Coach lifting me up. I hope the remaining days of Summer are slow!


Making the basketball team meant a lot to me so going to basketball camp for the summer wasn't even an option to refuse. Working on free throws and 3-pointers and all are fun but what's really nice is the Cheerleading camp across from us and at our games they come over to practice. There's this one girl though, that cheers for me even during practice. Feels really to good to have your own "personal cheerleader". 


I've been waiting all summer for this moment,Now that I have coach like him with all training we've been through I think I'll make it to the finals, people makes fun of me sometimes do you now why? simply because I love tennis ,If they really understood what it means to play tennis well then they'd back off. He says that girl tennis players have the best bodies .So I think we're pretty clear on why people make fun of tennis. Because its too hard for them, and they are jealous of us. :-D


“A life without love is like a year without summer”

If you asked me about three month’s before summer started, I would have told you immediately that I was passing every single subject that the teacher’s could throw at me.
I don’t know how I wound up here, in this hot crowded room for summer school.
Staring at the dust on the floor; and occasionally stealing glances at the girl sitting across the row from me. She seemed about as lost as I did, but she kept her quiet surrounding herself. She kept looking up at me, and eventually whispered something.
I couldn’t read what she said, but I knew she meant whatever it was.
Her face read with joy and curiosity. The teacher who was watching us was laid back in his chair asleep; she took the chance to pass me a note.
Inside it read: “Even in summer school, Memories can be made.”


Summer school - epitome of boredom. Slumping in my chair I stare at the seconds ticking agonizingly slowly. The boy behind me pokes me with his pencil. I swivel around, raising an eyebrow in question. He winks in response and points at the teacher/beast walking down the aisle. Casually he stretches his body in a languid fashion flexing his leg into the aisle. Yelping, the teacher sprawls onto the flour with the grace of an...elephant on ice. I stifle my giggle as he scrambles up and narrows his eyes at boy in suspicion. The boy masks his features into one of childlike innocence staring up at the teacher, wide-eyed. The teacher nods and dismisses us early due to embarrassment. The boy, smirking, collects his books and saunters out the door. Perhaps this year, summer school may be more interesting than expected.



 Partner did not make entry.









What a beautiful night to have a picnic by the camp fire. Just chit chatting and having a good meal. Keeping warm by the fire. Hoping that our friends show up to have a fun time. Enjoying the weather and sitting back looking at the stars. Wonder what each of us is thinking we grab for the basket and pull out some goodies and decided that we wasn't going to wait for our friends. We was very hungry. Oh my look what we have. Hmmmm some sandwiches and chips along with some cookies and our drinks. Then after we ate our friends popped by and said "Where's our food". So we said "It's gone u took too long". Then we all decided to just chill by the fire instead of argue about the picnic.


Partner did not make entry


The summer weather can get extremely hot in here and we are not happy with that. we're fighting to escape the sun but she keeps chasing us! We are trying to survive, looking for a way to beat the heat, searching for a lake, shore, pool or something before we get melt in the heat.
"Please somebody rescue us".


Dear Journal,
I don't think people could possibly understand what we Lifeguards have to go through. I mean, It's not only about looking good.. tanning.. and tanning while having people watch us look good, there's a lot more that comes along with the job. Like today, me and her were getting our tan on by the beach, and some little floating kid in the water kept screaming and trying to get our attention. I couldn't make out what he was saying.. but can you just imagine how annoying that was for us? Me and her just gave each other a look, I mean.. we're use to it now.. something like that happens just about everyday for us.


Story: Summer Jobs...not easy! The lifegaurd job is Dangerous! People freaking Die in it!One day a lifeguard and a girl were sunbathing when they heard some screaming. OH NO! somebody is drownding! *turns over* How dare they interupt my sunbathing...ehh....Maby once im done ill go get them. who knows. im feeling lazy today. *puts on my sunglasses and blows the whistle* Somebody save the guy! you seriously dont excpect me to!? im tanning. its a little more important isnt it?




In the world of High Stakes Fashion the only way to get ahead of the game is to make an impact. You have to have a fresh look that grabs the eyes. Your look must say to the customer "You WILL look hot in this","You want this look". Summer is here and the look to have is hot, sleek, and unique. Its all color with out pretention, comfort with out sacrificing style and lots and lots of skin.


Laying in bed looking through my favorite fashion mag.
Waiting for summer to get here....
I ponder the thought of all clothes I get to buy this year.
Clothes make a girl. They give you the IT factor. And I'm IT.


Our very last day together by the beach in each others arms. I don’t want this day to ever end. But I know tomorrow I’ll be on the plane back to my old drab little life. But right now as I look into my summer love’s big brown eyes peering from underneath his designer shades, I am blissfully happy . I find myself quite lost in the moment as I hold him in a long embrace then kiss him slow and tenderly , as I feel the hot beaming sun caressing my skin . Is this just a holiday romance?, will I ever seem him again?, probably not ….but that’s ok cause this is a moment I will cherish and remember forever .


 Summer...a time I always thought was set aside for vacations and hangin out with friends. That was until now...I look at her. Her beauty blinds me. Her eyes full of passion...her face so innocent... Her lips so soft, as I kiss her. I am drawn to her. As we sit surrounds by the forest
canopy I am comsumed by her. She is like nothing I have ever met or seen. When she looks at me I am lost in her eyes. When she smiles its like heavens gates have opened and her touch is like that of an angel. She has consumed me making me feel as if I cant breath without her.We find ourselves not saying a word just enjoy the moment while it last..knowing that soon summer will end and we will be no more. But for now We are lost... Lost in a moment... Lost in time... Lost in each other...Lost in this Summer Love.



I went to the beach again to continue my summer hobby - people watching. I was laying in a lounge chair and I looked off to my left. There in the golden sunlight stood an Adonis. I'd never seen a guy look so amazing. I was determined to talk to him. I walked up to him, introduced myself and struck up a conversation. He told me he was the lifeguard and invited me to hang out in the guard tower. We talked for a bit, when all of sudden he grabbed my waist and pulled me over to look out onto the water. "Look!" he said, as he pointed out a boat that seemed to be in trouble. Without even thinking, he took my hand and we ran off to the speed boat he uses and rushed out to the boat in jeopardy. I stayed on the speedboat as he rescued all the occupants. Once back to shore, he fell to the ground in exhaustion. I knelt beside him and told him he was a hero. What he had just done was amazing. We saw each other everyday throughout the summer, and now... as they say... the rest is history.


*Note;Being a LifeGuard sometimes sucks. But it comes also with great responability and

Story: That day it was a very beautiful sunny day and it was mine and my partner turn to be lifeguards and control the sea coast. I took her with me to the uptower where we use to stand and see the view of the beach from above. At that moment i asked her if that view before us was beautiful or not. She agreed that it was an amazing view and adding a big smile laid on her face. Her beauty is an eye shaking! we were happy. Suddenly, we saw a fast boat passing behind us and going forward to the middle of the coast sea. The boat has passengers in it, who were partying and laughing. They don't seem to care much what is going on around them. But then we heard a loud sound of a broken engine,of course it was the boat's engine. Suddenly then the boat start to drawn and people in it start to shoutout for help. We run quickly to the coast with our jet boats it was about 10 miles from where we were located,but we got in there and we saved the passengers. You can't believe this but that day me and her have been called Heroes of the Laguna Beach. As a result we recieved a week break from our boss and we spent the week around the coast looking at the beautiful views of the shore and sea animals,it was an amazing end for a great and exhausting day!!!